გველეშაპის სახის პრობლემა კავკასიურ და ევროპულ მითოეპიკურ ტექსტებში

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ნინო საბაძე


The article discusses both universal as well as specific national characteristics of dragons, their types, habitats, and ways of defeating them. The purpose of the article is to clearly reveal the image of the dragon in epic and mythological works, its functions and role in the life of heroes. Dragons are connected to many areas of the world and stand for both good and evil beginnings, hold wisdom, help the hero in some cases, protect treasures and fight with the hero, who sometimes fails and sometimesdefeats the adversary. At the same time, the dragon can be considered a challenge in the hero’s life, without which he could not prove his heroism. Every mytho-epic hero needs his dragon on the path of life to prove that he is truly a hero, in this case the dragon is a necessary and crucial power.

საკვანძო სიტყვები:
Georgian mythology, Caucasian and European mythology and epic, Dragon and hero
გამოქვეყნებული: Sep 2, 2024

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